2019 – Smart modeling is a must!

The fast-growing demand from entrepreneurs and stakeholders in the fields of construction and infrastructure to use Building Information Modeling (BIM)-based design in their work attests to one fact – that BIM is no longer an abstract concept. The use of a smart, actionable model from the planning stage through to the execution stage, and throughout the lifespan of the building has become a reality for many projects around the world and in Israel.

The gap in the Israeli construction field

We find that in Israel the complete BIM process has not yet been deployed. Many planning firms use the BIM tool to achieve fast, efficient and coordinated planning, but there isn’t always a model for the execution stage due to mismatches between the design product and the performance product.

We established We BIM to meet the need for expert management of models throughout the life of the project, whether it is a building or a complex infrastructure solution.

The gap in the Israeli construction field

We find that in Israel the complete BIM process has not yet been deployed. Many planning firms use the BIM tool to achieve fast, efficient and coordinated planning, but there isn’t always a model for the execution stage due to mismatches between the design product and the performance product.

We established We BIM to meet the need for expert management of models throughout the life of the project, whether it is a building or a complex infrastructure solution.

Our solution

We at We BIM streamline the process by proficiently managing the information traffic between planners, system coordinators and execution personnel. We ensure that all the information in the model is navigated in the right way and at the right time, so that the real benefit of the BIM process is fully realized throughout the full life of the project – from planning to execution, and the subsequent maintenance of the building or the infrastructure throughout its life cycle.

Our team provides professional management based on an administrative protocol that requires all partners to plan and execute the project, with the aim of providing quality products that significantly reduce the length of the planning and execution periods. Such reductions can translate up to 7% cost savings.

Our team provides professional management based on an administrative protocol that requires all partners to plan and execute the project, with the aim of providing quality products that significantly reduce the length of the planning and execution periods. Such reductions can translate up to 7% cost savings.

Among our clients

damya cebus
team netcom
electra bniya
קרסו נדלן
galil engineering
amy metom
ויסוקר שטרן
א.ב. מתכננים
פלג אדריכלים

Our Clients